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Why does Corpus Christi have both a church and a chapel?
The first parish worship space was the church. In fact, it was much smaller than the current church when it was first built. As the parish grew, a larger worship space was needed to accommodate the increasing number of parishioners attending liturgies. When the school building was planned, the chapel was added, and was built larger than the church to accommodate the increasing number of parishioners. The chapel has since become the primary worship space for the parish.
Why is the main chapel entrance through the school?
When the school was built, the chapel was planned as an addition to the school. Thus, the three main entrance doors are located off the lobby entrance to the school in the main hallway.
How is the parish accessible to the disabled?
The Church, Chapel, and Parish Center each has a ramp entrance that allows access to the first floor of each building for individuals with wheelchairs. In addition, there is a handicapped parking space available in both parking lots (adjacent to the church and chapel).
How can I get more involved in the parish?
Corpus Christi offers a variety of ministry and volunteer opportunities for parishioners. Your time, talent, and interest are welcome and appreciated. At Corpus Christi, each one of us really is the Body of Christ. Review our list of ministries and activities or contact the Parish Center.
How do I register as a parishioner?
To register, visit the Parish Center during regular office hours or complete the Parish Registration Form .
Does the parish offer any retreats?
The parish offers an overnight Cornerstone retreat Weekend for women, once a year. The retreat is planned and led by women of the parish who have participated in a Cornerstone retreat themselves. It is a wonderful way to meet and pray with other women in the parish community in a warm, welcoming environment on both a personal and spiritual level. Cornerstone offers an opportunity to reflect and build upon your relationship with God, individually, without the routine everyday distractions that make our lives "busy." For more information, call the Parish Center, 201-288-4844.
Where are masses celebrated?
Both the church and the chapel are actively used as worship spaces for liturgies.
Corpus Christi Church is used for the Sunday morning mass (7:30 am), weekday masses from Monday to Friday (6:30 am and 8:00 am), Saturday morning mass (8:00 am), weddings, funerals, and other occasions as announced.
Corpus Christi Chapel is used for Saturday evening mass (5:00 pm), Sunday masses (9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12:00 noon, and 6:00 pm), school masses, baptisms, First Holy Communion, confessions, confirmation, and other occasions as announced.
Civil holiday masses (9:00 am) are held in either the church or chapel; check the bulletin of the prior Sunday for location.
For further information, see mass or sacraments schedules, contact the Parish Center, or see the bulletin.Why are most weekend masses held in the chapel, and weekday masss held in the church?
Most weekend masses are held in the chapel because it has a larger seating capacity and thus can accommodate the larger number of the faithful at these masses. Weekday masses are held in the church, which has a smaller seating capacity, because there are fewer attendees at these masses.
Why are some sacraments offered in the church, and others in the chapel?
The sacrament of Baptism is offered in the chapel (2nd Sundays, 1:30 pm) because the chapel is the main worship space for the community, and the sacrament of baptism welcomes individuals into the community.
The sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation are offered in the chapel because both sacraments are usually conferred upon a large number of individuals at once; the larger seating capacity of the chapel can better accommodate the families and friends of these individuals who want to be at the liturgies.
The sacrament of Reconciliation is offered in the chapel because the Reconciliation Rooms offer penitents the option of both face-to-face or behind-a-screen confession.
The sacrament of Marriage is offered in the church because the couples to be married find its decor more traditional and intimate, and since the number of attendees is smaller.
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is offered in either worship space as part of a community liturgy or offered at a home or hospital as needed.