The Parish Vision
The Parish Vision is Lifelong Faith Formation. The vision is to engage people of ALL ages in the encounter with Jesus Christ through the experience of church life, the Scriptures, Catholic traditions—through Sunday liturgy, the sacraments, Church year feasts and seasons, justice and service, and prayer and devotions. It is a formation that reflects on the significance and meaning of living our faith life at home and in the world.
Lifelong faith formation includes two key experiences in the Christian life: conversion to Christ and learning on our shared faith - the two go hand in hand. Sometimes the learning process produces deeper conversion. Other times, the conversion process leads to learning. These two faith experiences of the head and heart are the groundwork of lifelong faith formation.
The Pastoral Council supports the vision of lifelong faith formation and led our ministry leaders at formation gatherings in the Spring and Fall 2011. The Pastoral Council and Ministry Leaders coordinated the Ash Wednesday Parish Gathering. Each of our ministries is an integral part of the implementation of our vision and offers an opportunity for our parishioners to contribute their time, talent and treasure to accomplish important work within and outside our parish community.
- Parish Missions, generally held once a year, are directed by a visiting preacher for the benefit and spiritual growth of parishioners. (See News & Events page for schedule.)
Small † Christian Communities is a continuation of the successful national program, Renew 2000. Parishioners meet in small faith-sharing communities, which provide them with an opportunity to develop strong spiritual ties and faith relationships with other members of the parish through active discussions of everyday matters concerning their faith. Groups are encouraged to put their faith into action through community outreach. Such groups include:
- Renew Groups
- Prayer Groups
- Cursillo - A Cursillo Retreat is a 3 day weekend in which the candidates develop a deeper relationship with God, and foster leadership abilities to enhance their parish and broaden their knowledge of the Catholic faith. Once Cursillistas have completed the weekend, they are welcomed into a small faith-sharing group. There are separate retreats for men and women. For more information, call the Parish Center, 201-288-4844.
- Faith-Sharing Groups
Adult Faith Formation Resources/Link
- iPray: Go Mobile
- Good News Ministries emails you the daily readings and reflection and much more.
- Take 10: Take 10 minutes and retreat with God. Contains on screen guidance and scripture.
- Take 3: Take a 3 minute retreat for a spiritual renewal from this Loyola website.
- iBreviary for: iPhone/iPad Android Mobile
Busted Halo--an online magazine for spiritual seekers.
- Kelly, Matthew. Rediscover Catholicism, A Spiritual Guide to Living with Passion & Purpose, 2010 Beacon Publishing.